New Additional Policy Options for Voyager Plus

Posted in Travel Policy Options, New Cover Options on 25 April 2022

Voyager Plus has been updated to once again be able to offer Cruise Plus Cover and Enhanced Travel or Terrorism Disruption as policy options. These options are available to anyone who purchases a policy on or after April 29th and can simply be added on to your standard policy for the cost of the relevant additional premium. Below, we explain what these two policy options include for you:

Cruise Plus

Cruise Plus Cover is back on Voyager Plus and will include much of the same cover as it previously contained, including sections of cover such as:

  • Re-join your Cruise Cover should you need to re-join your cruise at the next docking port or at the final destination due to your temporary illness or injury resulting in hospital treatment on land,
  • Missed Port Departure Cover in case you miss the initial departure journey because of a failure of public transport, an accident or breakdown involving the vehicle you are travelling in or ahead of you on the motorway or dual carriageway. It also covers strike or industrial action or adverse weather conditions
  • Cabin/Stateroom Confinement Cover, should you be confined by the ships medical officer, to your cabin or stateroom due to your compulsory quarantine, or for medical reasons.

Should you be looking to go on a cruise this summer then these sections of cover will help protect you should the unexpected happen. To see the full Cruise Plus policy benefits please click here.

Enhanced Travel or Terrorism Disruption

Another policy option that will once again be available on Voyager Plus is Enhanced Travel or Terrorism Disruption. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, this was one of our most popular extensions to cover.

This option will cover you against travel disruptions due to acts of terror, changes in FCDO or WHO travel advice restrictions and other circumstances such as volcanic ash clouds. More specifically, the Enhanced Travel or Terrorism Disruption policy option will cover the following areas:

  • Extended Cancellation & Curtailment: This extends the Cancellation and Curtailment Cover you receive as standard to includeNew cover due to the FCDO changing their travel advise unexpectedly by advising against “all but essential travel” or “all travel” to the area you are going to, or due to an act of terrorism affecting your journey.
  • Extended Travel Delay & Abandonment, again, this section extends the standard cover to include cover for travel delay, if the public transport you were booked to travel on is cancelled or delayed, which leads to your international departure being delayed by more than 12 hours. Abandonment or additional expenses of your trip are also covered due to acts of terrorism and can be covered for irrecoverable unused travel and accommodation costs, or for suitable additional travel and accommodation expenses that are necessary.
  • Extended Missed Departure includes cover for strike, industrial action, adverse weather conditions or disruption due to a volcanic eruption, you being denied boarding due to having no seats available, or due to an act of terrorism affecting any point of arrival or departure.
  • Accommodation Costs covers you for any irrecoverable costs for unused accommodation and prepaid charges because you were not able to travel. You will also be covered for any additional travel and accommodation costs incurred because you need to move to other accommodation if you are no longer able to use your booked accommodation, to repatriate you due to a variety of natural disasters or outbreak of food poisoning at your accommodation, or an act of terrorism affecting any point of arrival or departure.

In a world where the unexpected can happen at every turn, there is no harm in being cautious and extending your travel insurance policy to cover more eventualities. Whilst we always hope these situations will never arise, it is better to be covered in case they do. To see the full benefits of Enhanced Travel or Terrorism Disruption cover, please click here.

If you are interested in purchasing a Voyager Plus policy with either of these added options, then please follow the link below:

Get a Voyager Plus Travel Insurance Quote Now...
Short Stay Travel Insurance

Short Stay Travel Insurance

Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance

Annual Multi Trip Travel Insurance

Long Stay Travel Insurance

Long Stay Travel Insurance

*This article is for information and entertainment purposes only. It does not constitute advice in any way. The information provided here is correct at the time of writing however please check the latest policy wording for the latest terms, conditions, and exclusions.

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