Spain Sees Rise in 'Balconing'

Posted in General on 10 September 2010

Spain has seen a massive rise in ‘Balconing’ this year. Balconing involves jumping from a hotel balcony into a pool or jumping from one balcony to another. A quick trawl of YouTube shows how common it has become. All too often these jumps are fuelled by alcohol or drugs, impairing judgement with disastrous consequences. Some Spanish hotels are now evicting guests who indulge in Balconing.

There has been a spate of high profile cases this summer, many involving people without travel insurance. However even if they had travel insurance it is unlikely that it would cover injuries from balconing, due to the individual deliberately putting themselves in danger, quite apart from the likely involvement of excessive alcohol consumption.

While a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) may cover the costs of medical treatment it will not cover the costs of repatriation. Ryan Elley’s parents recently had to raise £15,000 to bring him back to the UK via Air Ambulance, after he fell from his balcony in Ibiza.

Author: Adam

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